FAcilitators of VIrtual LEarning

The project aims to intervene in a constantly growing e-learning and virtual learning industry. Despite the increasing number of virtual courses, good quality standards are not often met. This inverse proportion between offer and quality is due to many factors, but the key to change it is in the hands of instructors and, even more, of facilitators. The term virtual learning facilitator refers to a relatively new figure in the teaching world – distinguished by the teacher – who facilitates learning in an online/ virtual training programme. The skills and competences required by the facilitation activity are the most diverse and complex, and nevertheless often overlooked. It is no coincidence if many e-learning and virtual learning facilitators lack the required abilities to properly fulfil their role, thus undermining a potentially better learning experience. Aware of that, the project aims to enhance the quality standards of facilitating in virtual learning environments and to provide to the facilitators of virtual learning, the skills and competences that they need to develop or improve their techniques. To reach these goals FAVILLE provides users with three resources:

  • FAVILLE e-Learning Programme for Virtual Facilitators: a course that aims to provide the technical and pedagogical knowledge, skills, and competences necessary for effective support and facilitation of learning processes;
  • FAVILLE Web Application: a collection of facilitation tools, techniques and methods curated from various sources made available with a user-friendly interface;
  • FAVILLE Competence Validation for Virtual Learning Facilitators: a process guiding users to systematically reflect on, document and demonstrate their professional competences in the field of Virtual Learning Facilitation and getting them validated.

HT Apps provides technical support, being in charge of the realization of the app where the didactical contents produced by partners during the project are uploaded and made available for users.

Other projects in which we partecipated


HT Apps


Oct. 2019 – Sep. 2021

Total budget

39.033,00 €

Project number



Erasmus+ KA204 - Strategic Partnerships for adult education