
Launch and implementation of a web-based language learning tool:Estonian for special purposes for non-Estonian speaking civil servants

The main goal of the project is to increase the non-Estonian speakers’ level of knowledge of Estonian language in order to improve their communication skills and efficiency of everyday work as knowing the language would make things easier for them. The main result of the project is the modern and flexible opportunity for learning official language for non-Estonian speaking employees. Under the project a web-based language learning material and methodology for learning Estonian at the workplace is elaborated. The material consists of 10 modules. The users of the e-learning tool attend 2,5 months courses where classroom learning is combined with e-learning. At the end of the course the learners attend a test in order to evaluate the acquired language skills/level. The use of the language learning tool presumes the availability of a PC but does not require any special software

Target groups are:

  1. Estonian Board of Border Guard, present and future employees of EBBG with inadequate state language skills;
  2. civil servants in Estonia, with the collaboration of Estonian Board of Border Guard;
  3. Estonian citizens, because of the availability of civil servants understanding and speaking their language;
  4. private companies facing the same problem, e.g. security companies;
  5. European targets, organisations with similar problems and needs in other European countries.

PMF is the project quality evaluator and multimedia expert.

Other projects in which we partecipated


Moka Adv


Oct. 2008 – Mar. 2010

Total budget

146.008,00 €

Project number



Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation

Other projects in which we partecipated