VESTA involves the construction of a security system based on innovative short-range technologies. The system is based on a virtual cloud unit that collects information from the sensors, processes them and makes them available to users through web or app. Therefore the system signals dangerous situations in the moment they occur by detecting possible intrusions through audio and video inputs. Differently from traditional security systems, the sensors play an active role in the detection of possible intruders.

The contribution of PMF Research consists in the creation of a virtual control unit able to manage and monitor a network of sensors in a simple and optimal way. PMF Research manages the creation of the web and interfaces (Android and iOS).

Other projects in which we partecipated


Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2018

Total budget

825.721,26 €

Project number



Horizon 2020– PON 2014/2020

Other projects in which we partecipated