European Adults: Training and Internationalization

The project is focused on a methodology to support the recognition, validation and certification of skills acquired informally or through adult personal and professional experience. The methodology is largely focused on learning developed in another European country in informal learning contexts. It is organized and structured with the intention of identifying and / or developing learning (be it education/training institutions or work contexts). The aim is to identify and describe the learning outcomes leading to the acquisition of competence units. Recognition, validation and certification of these units are reciprocal among the countries involved. Learning outcomes, as described in a particular situation or context, are comparable to those expected in another situation or context, with reciprocal recognition being sought between the non-formal education systems of the various countries, regardless of the context / country in which they are taking place.

VITECO develops a European Digital Competency Recognition, Validation and Certification Platform, which allows adults in each partner country, after completion of certification in a given institution, to issue a European Certificate that recognizes the methodology implemented. VITECO also leads all the aspects connected to the Dissemination of the project.

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Sep. 2017 – Aug. 2020

Total budget

356.668,00 €

Project number



Erasmus+ KA204 - Strategic Partnership for Adult Education

Other projects in which we partecipated